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Parabolic Ventures LLC is a California software company that serves an incubator for several business ventures and projects belonging to Payas Parab. 

For any specific questions regarding entities and businesses within the portfolio, please review the links below and use the appropriate email address.
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Handy Point Group

Handy Point Group (HPG) is a nationwide strategic consultancy that provides financial modeling, data analytics, and quantitative market research. HPG serves passion businesses, family-owned enterprises, and early stage innovators. HPG was founded in 2020 with the vision of leveling the playing field for small businesses through analytical rigor and technology.

RA on Duty

RA on Duty provides customized mobile-first,
real-time data software solutions to residential directors and student housing administrators. Our team works individually with leading universities to develop custom mobile apps for staff reporting applications and data collection.

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LunchIntern provides conversational and predictive food ordering through Slack and Teams to support busy professionals.

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© 2022 by Payas Parab.

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